Wednesday, September 23, 2009

MMR vaccine

This quarter I am taking an English class and all throughout the class we are writing a twenty page research paper on a topic of our choice. After thinking about it for a little while I chose to write about the MMR (Measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and its supposed link to autism. I am quickly finding out that both sides are very passionate and dedicated to their belief. I haven't totally settled on one side, but after reading ALOT of journal entries I am starting to think there is little evidence to support the idea that the vaccine has any connection to autism. It's a really big topic and I feel that I have only scratch the surface.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog #1

Hello everyone! I am a christian in community college and I have completed one year so far. The reason I am keeping a blog is to share with you all some of the interesting things I'm learning, the funny things that happen in the classroom, and everyday things during this period in my life.